


To register for ALOTT membership and ALOTT Community access, please fill in the information in the following fields. Upon submission, your registration will be reviewed by an administrator. Once approved, you will receive an email granting you access to the ALOTT Community site. This may take 1 to 2 business days.


Are you looking for a place to talk training, explore what worked and what failed at other law offices, or just relax and network with career peers?

If so, the ALOTT Community is perfect for you!

ALOTT offers many benefits for today's legal training professional. Between September and June, we hold monthly rotational meetings at law offices conveniently located in the Toronto downtown core, and accessible by public transit. Our meetings begin with a light breakfast and follow a formal agenda. Meetings will often include vendor demos, or product demos, delivered by one of our training professionals. We focus on software applications, both legal specific and non-legal, and occasionally share soft skills knowledge as well.

With membership to ALOTT comes your access to the ALOTT Community portal, which will prove valuable when researching topics that our professionals have experienced, documented, and shared. Our portal hosts a variety of documents, surveys, discussion threads, and more!

To join ALOTT, there is an initial administrative fee of $75.00, and every January a yearly fee of $50.00 becomes due. In addition, members are required to host one breakfast meeting every second year.

Qualifying as a member of ALOTT is simple. You must be:

  1. Employed full time or permanent part time as a training professional in a law firm or law department of a corporation.
  2. Delivering training to legal professionals and their support staff on an ongoing basis.

For additional information, click Contact Us to send us an e-mail.
